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Celebrate the Lunar New Year with the G-Hwaja Korean Music Band

February 17, 7 pm8:30 pm.

G-Hwaja performs creative music through a collaboration of Western and Korean traditional instruments, melding disparate tones and styles. The group seeks to express the emotions of the times in a dramatic way by utilizing the uniquely expressive characteristics of Korean traditional music to deliver familiar music with new emotional dimensions. G-Hwaja strives to popularize Korean traditional music by delivering a dynamic and vivid image of Korean to the modern world.

This special holiday Passport Concert is FREE to attend! This event is co-sponsored by Bayside Historical Society and Korean Community Services. Light refreshments will be served.

This event is part of Bayside Historical Society’s “Passport Concert Series: Bringing Cultures from Around the World to the Castle at Bayside.”


208 Totten Avenue, Fort Totten
Bayside, NY 11359 United States